Movie review: 'The Magic of Ordinary Days' (2005) stars Keri Russell and Skeet Ulrich

Drama/Romance. Rated PG. Recommended for family viewing. Check your favorite local and online movie rental stores, or the public library for availability.
The Magic of Ordinary Days is a two-hour, 2005 Hallmark Hall of Fame Production film release, in color, directed by Brent Shields, starring Keri Russell, Skeet Ulrich and Mare Winningham. This heartwarming period drama set in Colorado, United States, during Word War II is based on the novel with the same title by Ann Howard Creel.
Livy Dunne (Keri Russell) is an educated young woman and ambitious city girl with big goals and plans for her future. When an unexpected misfortune happens to Livy, she suddenly finds that drastic changes must be made in her life. She agrees to an arranged marriage with a man she’s never met and moves out to the country to live on his farm. She believes this plan is a temporary one and doesn’t intend to make the marriage permanent.
But Livy is definitely surprised when she meets Ray Singleton (Skeet Ulrich), who is honest and hardworking—a traditional family man who longs to raise children and build a secure life on his farm. She also doesn’t count on being adored by her new husband and his sister, too, Martha (Mare Winningham), a precious and kind woman who offers Livy genuine friendship. As Livy is literally thrown into the day-to-day activities on their farm and in their community, and as she gets to know Ray and her new extended family better, she gradually comes to experience and receive the unconditional love she’s been looking for all her life. Soon, Livy must make the choice whether she wants to stay for good on this farm and build a life with her new husband, Ray Singleton—or not.
The Magic of Ordinary Days is an inspirational, family-friendly film that features a talented cast: Keri Russell and Skeet Ulrich give moving, believable performances as Livy and Ray Singleton; and seasoned actress Mare Winningham is charming and natural as the devoted country wife and mom. This Hallmark Hall of Fame film is crafted skillfully: with a well-written screenplay, authentic period costumes, and beautiful cinematography.
The Magic of Ordinary Days is a gem of a film—a sweet, touching drama that affirms what a beautiful and priceless gift marriage is: faithful, committed love between a man and a woman for a lifetime. This movie also speaks about the importance of giving unconditional love, acceptance, and forgiveness to one another in our families. When people feel accepted and loved for who they are, no matter how bad their past may have been, they receive strength and are empowered to move forward and build a new life.
This is a great film you won’t want to miss. Grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and enjoy!
Movie trailer: 'The Magic of Ordinary Days' (2005), starring Keri Russell and Skeet Ulrich
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Portland, Oregon residents can borrow The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005) on DVD at the Multnomah County Library, tel. 503-988-5234. The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005) in DVD format can be rented at Movie Madness, 4320 SE Belmont, Portland, Oregon, 97215, tel. 503-234-4363.
Author, poet, columnist, and speaker JENNIFER ANNE FABREGAS MESSING of Portland, Oregon, is a wife, and mother of three children. She has a bachelor's degree in Christian Education and a diploma in Journalism and Short Story Writing. A past president of the Oregon Christian Writers, Jennifer Anne has over 200 articles, short stories, movie reviews, and poems published in 60 magazines and books, including: The Christian Journal, Evangel, LIVE, Standard, Bible Advocate, Christian Fiction Online and Nudges from God. Her latest book, EVERLASTING LOVE: Romantic Vignettes for a Woman's Heart is now available in trade paperback and e-book format from Amazon, Barnes and Noble online, and Smashwords. Visit the BOOKS page of this website to order her books.
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